Vertigo/Vestibular Physiotherapy

At Lake Gwelup Physiotherapy, our vestibular physiotherapy services are designed to address a range of vestibular disorders and help you regain your balance and confidence. Vertigo and balance disorders can significantly impact your daily life, making simple tasks challenging and affecting your overall quality of life. Our experienced physiotherapists have undertaken additional Australian Physiotherapy Association approved professional development in vestibular rehabilitation and utilise evidence-based techniques to effectively manage and treat these conditions.

The term vertigo refers to the sensation of spinning. Vertigo usually occurs because of a disorder/dysfunction of the vestibular system, the most common of which is Benign Paroxysmal Positional Vertigo (BPPV). If you suffer from spontaneous dizziness or vertigo that comes on after certain head movements or changes in body position (such as rolling in bed or tilting your head backwards) you may be suffering from BPPV. At Lake Gwelup Physiotherapy we can assess for this condition and subsequently treat to get you back to living life to the fullest, usually within one session with one simple maneuverer.

Other vestibular conditions such as Meniere’s disease, vestibular neuritis and labyrnthitis and neck/cervical disorders (cervicogenic dizziness) can cause vertigo or dizziness. These conditions are usually treatable through specific eye (gaze stabilisation), neck, and balance exercises. Manual therapy or hands on physiotherapy is often used to address any underlying musculoskeletal issues contributing to your symptoms.

For a comprehensive list of our prices, please visit our dedicated pricing page.

Booking your appointment at Lake Gwelup Physiotherapy is simple and convenient. You can schedule online through HealthEngine or HotDoc. Alternatively, feel free to reach out to us directly at (08) 9244 8588 or via email at to arrange your appointment or if you have any inquiries.

For seamless rebooking, we suggest adding Lake Gwelup Physiotherapy and Chris Warne to your "care team" by downloading the HealthEngine or HotDoc app on your smartphone.